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Not of your design
i don't think like you
so why should i write like you
my thoughts
my world

(04/11/2004; 04:24am) - the mountain comes to muhammed NOT!!!!

so i checked my high school's alumni page to see who actually lives in the new york area. and i hate all but 2 and i doubt those 2 would go the reunion anyway

(04/10/2004; 02:00pm) - the mountain comes to muhammed

on april 16th my high school reunion thing/party comes to new york
....ok fine i'll go

its nothing to not travel 4 hours to confront demons
its a whole another to not go to midtown. *sigh*

nd i got a letter saying a new checkcard would be coming in 2 weeks
and then i found the letter with theck card.

i need to check my mail more often

(04/06/2004; 10:37pm) - so around 10:25pm i had this epiphany in the shower...

i've come to realize that i surround myself with people who make me a better, fuller person
either by helping, pushing, pulling or inspiring.
that's the yardstack
that's the barometer

that's why i've always been enamored with role of first officer.
the person who stood by someone's side.
the person who's pressence allowed his c.o. to be the person they always knew they could be

but as i connect the dots to determine what this realization really means for me,
i look to find myself in the captain's seat, seeking the eyes::and body:: of the person to my side

(04/01/2004; 06:16pm) - fuck you andrew

i now throw away pennies

(03/28/2004; 11:08pm) - the perils of a japense keyboard: a lettter from elliott

Hey hows it going. I?ve been checking out new hood and it is pretty cool.My apt is a little bigger than I thought it would be,but it?s still mad tiny. A 332;he location is awesome though,I?m a 10 minute walk from everything including ECC headquarters.  Today I?Ve been walking through this giant shopping district.  ITs ;  a narrow road with a roof and shops up and down the street.  It goes on forever.Lots of arcades. In some you can play blackA 354;ack and roulette and gamble with real money.One even had mini horsetrack with little toy horses racing. You know I?m taller t& #65352;an most people,but I don?t really notice it.Everyone is pretty friendly, and they are even more friendly when I speak in my choppy at   & #65346;est Japanese. Pardon the rough letter,but its hard to type on this computer. it keeps trying to turn my words into hiragana  ;and kanji.Well I?ll email again soon.



(03/24/2004; 10:01pm) - an insult turned true

i have a pimple on my ass
you can't make that shit up
i guess you could.....
but you it would hurt a lot less when you sat down

(03/19/2004; 03:29pm) - the day won't end

banging my head against the wall because of a stray ' in php

(01/12/2004; 09:14pm) - driving to heaven, and there's no way back home

in my yahoo inbox was an email from my boss, with a profile/resume of someone i may want to hire...for the project i'm heading
the future is so wierd

(01/01/2004; 11:51pm) - first day of a new year

ouch. now that was a hangover

(12/03/2003; 11:38pm) - on my tombstone

Robert K. Jenkins III
1979 - x
He would have been happy with a Honda Civic

::at some point in the future i will probably look book on today and see it as the day the world clicked into place
::but today i'm just tired