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so fast.

(03/14/2003; 12:19pm) - so fast.

so i'm studying for finals,
i finished my last class today and actually had time for yoga... (rare lately)
Suddenly, i remember what it was like to have time, to do things i wanted...
now, it's hard to study!

I had a brilliant birthday. Much love and appreciation to everyone who came... it was soo much fun. (I think we should get old and all just live here and drink red wine and rot happily together, playing croquet and laughing.)
I'll get some pictures up, but you just have to wait until after finals (Tuesday-ish).

So those ideas i've been having:
here's one
I listened to a story on NPR in which they recommended books on the middle east and some specifically on Saddam. I would LOVE to get together a reading group, give everyone a book and meet again for a summary. That way i could read one or two books instead of 20. Of course, this isn't gonna happen. At least, not till i'm old and grey. But if anyone wants to read... here are some recommendations:
these are the one's i liked:

Peace to End All Peace
Longitutes and Attitudes
Republic of Fear
and on a different war but same ideas:
Black Hawk Down

these are all written from different points of view. If anyone has read any of these i'd love to know what you think.
anyway, that's my dream for today, to be able to have a book club on line. (too bad we all talk to much to make that much worth while!)
i love my blabbering-longwinded-rambling-just like me friends.
have a good night