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the world should never forget

(07/11/2004; 07:05am) - drinking til 6am

drinking so hard you kick the night's ass.

~the guy below

(07/09/2004; 12:39pm) - maria sharapova naked!

huzzah! you may have noticed this nubile 17-year-old russian tennis star as she spanked serena williams at wimbledon last weekend. unfortunately, searching for "maria sharapova naked" on google, only yeilds websites with cheap advertising strategies like putting phrases such as "maria sharapova naked" on the front page. such is life.

(07/08/2004; 09:38am) - a return to quiet

all in all i can honestly say there have been worse days. which allows me to take a deep breath and say things will be ok


(07/07/2004; 10:21am) - a fascinating day in the life of cable news

you could almost hear the gears of our massive political machines shift into gear yesterday.
Kerry's camp releases Edwards' name as VP early in the morning. I first catch it when i wake up at about 8.
By 8:30 the GOP website had posted a campaign ad featuring John McCain supporting the President with the suggestion that he was Kerry's "First Choice".
By the afternoon, both sides were scrambling their jets to get the most airtime for their Edwards talking points with all varieties of political operatives and pundits.
It got to such a frenzy, I even checked out FoxNews to see how the sharks were dealing with it. In a tizzy, naturally.

Tough to say how this will end up, but at least yesterday: Kerry won. He controlled the news for a solid day. Even Iraq took a back seat.


(07/06/2004; 11:48am) -

Going into the long, slow summer when industrialized nations begin to nap, the American presidential election shifts into a higher gear with John Kerry's announcement that he has chosen the devilishly handsome John Edwards (D-SC) as his running mate. Follow the story in our Forums.


(07/05/2004; 07:04am) - with vengence

Unemployed, i was offered a job today.
Two days of summer camp,
fifteen hundred kuai,
second graders,
six classes each day.

With a grin i demanded 2k,
and walked out on their


(07/04/2004; 01:12pm) - happy july 4th

apparently if you kill a lot of people and you win, it's ok. gotta love justice! happy independence day you egotistical and hypocritical bastards.

~the guy below

(07/02/2004; 03:07pm) - factory sealed

this sentence is proof that has not been tampered with in any way.
(except for the razorblade in the cupcakes)

(07/01/2004; 08:04am) - another late night

2 guys walk into a bar. One of them says to the bartendar bobert's latest Not of your design piece is titled i think i may have tapped into powers beyond my control. ha. ha. ha. ha.

funny right
ps: i may be hungover


(06/30/2004; 05:33pm) - Our times.

In the spirit of Talking to the Screen:
I saw Farenheit 9/11 last night.
It's tough to evalutate this flick as far as "is it good?"
It's funny. It's touching.
Whether you agree or disagree with its message or presentation, most of all it lifts up the rock, and we all get to watch them squirm.

and content:wil - Belligerent Poetry: hello from
