parry parry strike
(04/24/2003; 09:44am) - parry parry strike
the last time i was in a fist fight was eleven years ago. i was in middle school. i fought with another guy in the class over a disputed basketball call. in the heat of the argument he tackled me to the ground and swung a punch. he hit me squarely in the face. i tried to swing back, but he blocked it and swung again. i was losing the fight. i was bigger than him, but not in the way that would be good for winning fights. i was bigger in the way that makes every move really slow, and easy to dodge. the fight ended, and i hadn't landed a punch. my face was bloodied, and i was crying. i suppose that is why i almost peed myself today when a guy said he was going to kick my ass if didn't stop singing "when a man loves a woman" on the subway.