logo version 4.0
Not of your design
i don't think like you
so why should i write like you
my thoughts
my world

(03/17/2005; 11:06am) - this is not leadership training pt 1

for the record leading by example sucks.
it usually means doing stuff you never wanted to do in the first place

(03/01/2005; 06:30pm) - thats a relief

oh wait it's neuropol.
the flash movie stored the name
thats a relief

(03/01/2005; 06:28pm) - i am so bad at web dev

i forgot to save the font i used for the melounge logo. AGAIN
i am such a fucking idiot

(02/13/2005; 10:07am) - 2 weeks as system error

.denial od service attack detected
 ╘attack against work related port detected
 ╘attack against social port detected
 ╘attack against emotional port detected
.virus detected
.shutting down

(02/08/2005; 10:40pm) - to the left of a funk

you know those moods where you just wanna do your thing
put on some tunes
and lay back let the tunes take you to wherever you were going to anyway
i think i'm in one now

(02/08/2005; 10:39pm) - a non-surprise

did you know that the soundtack to the O.C is the perfect soundtrack to teen angst?
would you be surprised if i told you it was?

me either.

(02/04/2005; 10:20am) - yes

amidst the storm
and fighting fires not of my creation
i realize
i am really good somtimes

(02/01/2005; 08:33am) - i have the weirdest life amongst sheep in this the age of terror

walking onto the R train
only wanting to sit down and write
my considerations of jesus

i spot a massive black back pack
looking weird
with tinges of terror wafting off of it

thinking myself paranoid
i look around to find an entire car
equally paranoid
equally weirded out
trying to ignore the massive terrorist elephant in the room

i ask around if it's anybody's bag
and non-surprisingly. it belongs to no one

so there i am
walking back along the train
searching for a conductor
which took a while since i could down a car at a stop
no interconnecting cars on an R train

luckily i found a conductor on the stop i depart
and told her about the black back pack
she seemed grateful

but i was at a lost as to what i was considering about jesus

(01/30/2005; 04:10am) - projecting into the future

when once dating the one
what do i think of myself
happy. satisfied. contented.
or pathetic

in a met need

rather than
a percieved weakness

(02/03/2005; 10:42pm) - @50th St /2 train {drunk}

and gazing at my reflection
i ask
who are you
who is this monster before me
what do you want
of me
of the universe

and hearing these words
across the glass chasm
i realize
i have no answers for him