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Not of your design
i don't think like you
so why should i write like you
my thoughts
my world
so around 10:25pm i had this epiphany in the shower...

(04/06/2004; 10:37pm) - so around 10:25pm i had this epiphany in the shower...

i've come to realize that i surround myself with people who make me a better, fuller person
either by helping, pushing, pulling or inspiring.
that's the yardstack
that's the barometer

that's why i've always been enamored with role of first officer.
the person who stood by someone's side.
the person who's pressence allowed his c.o. to be the person they always knew they could be

but as i connect the dots to determine what this realization really means for me,
i look to find myself in the captain's seat, seeking the eyes::and body:: of the person to my side