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the world should never forget

(11/12/2004; 09:11am) - i lived with bobert once

bobert shares his rage.
i used to have rage. now i have pills. colorful happy pills. he's not a "real" doctor, but he sure does make me feel good.

(11/11/2004; 09:29am) - oh yeah, it's my go

i got to work 20 minutes early but still asleep. hopefully the coffee will wake me by 11, i would not bet on that. i'll check back in later to see if it did the job


later that day.....
it did't

(11/10/2004; 09:22am) - just a chilly wednesday

keep warm all.

it's cold on this blue coast.


(11/09/2004; 08:11am) - Growl

I'm just incredibly pessimistic today. Full of Hate. I shouldn't be writing one of these.


(11/08/2004; 10:00am) - and back

settled, prepared, besieged,
we welcome the work week
and find the same routine
we carried out without doubt
and now rethink, slowly.

three plus weeks.


(11/07/2004; 02:15am) - !!!!!


(11/05/2004; 11:46am) - wha' happen?

so apparantly, there was some sort of "election". and the majority chose the guy who's been cornholing us for four years. i don't think people like change. considering i've been wearing the same sweat pants for a week, i'm surprised i voted for the other guy.
maybe this will cheer you up. or possibly
this or

(11/04/2004; 09:17am) - .....



(11/03/2004; 10:54am) - Eulogy for reason.

The long glorious journey that was The Age of Reason begun roughly three hundred years ago in England, France and America and posited the transformative notion that reason could combat ignorance, superstition and tyranny.

Yesterday, a majority of the citizens of the United States of America, decisively rejected the ideals of The Enlightenment. No longer does the most powerful nation of the world wish to rely on reason and intelligence to rule her actions. The roar of the World Trade Center collapse was the silent death knell for rationality. We now live in a world of "good" and "evil" and Power tells us which is which. These characterizations were rejected by our intellectual forefathers, and had been further undermined over the last few centuries. But to be rational is difficult. In this post-9/11 world, we don't want to know why, we want to be righteous.

Welcome an age of ignorance, superstition and tyranny. The current world struggle is not between "good" and "evil", but between fundamentalism and rationality. Yesterday, the cause of the human mind suffered a devastating blow.


(11/02/2004; 08:07am) - Election Day:

Americans: Vote.