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Update Blurbs
the world should never forget

(03/07/2005; 09:48pm) - Monday!

Wreck house cause the week is on.

All of a sudden i'm busy, and i forget
my own name with the rush
of others.

Sun comes out, and the cat purrs on the
balcony. Don't forget.


(03/04/2005; 10:47am) - sleepy friday

it's quiet at work and i'm sleepy. getting a job at a sleep lab seems like the ultimate solution, except that i have a hard time sleeping with crap stuck to my eyeballs. life is hard.

(03/04/2005; 10:47am) - sleepy friday

it's quiet at work and i'm sleepy. getting a job at a sleep lab seems like the ultimate solution, except that i have a hard time sleeping with craps stuck to my eyeballs. life is hard.

(03/03/2005; 09:49am) - just li'l ol' me again

not much is up since my last blurb
i just lost the melounge logo font and promptly again found it


(03/01/2005; 10:27am) - please please jason, please don't die

Seeing how jason is dying of a fever upstate as we speak and the piss poor job of blurbing last week i i'm taking a stab at this one. Isn't it just the greatest blurb ever

anyway lemme welcome justin to the melounge crew. and introduce his debut piece Intro To Touch?. touche of course being his new handle these days. oh and did i mention that is back. how cool is that!!


(02/27/2005; 08:56pm) - Just another step...

Back to having money in the bank.
Three jobs and counting...

Getting busy now, i can feel it.
Where you at, anyway?


(02/21/2005; 05:25am) - Another jobless Monday

Welcome to the real world.
I'm sitting here, trying to write,
fighting off whisky
and hoping for light.

Work, i'm afraid, is next week.


(02/18/2005; 12:48pm) - it's freaking friday

it rules, right?
if you're having a good time tonight, just remember that most of germany is sleeping, so you might want to keep it down.

(02/16/2005; 11:11pm) - past man-child

no one said growing up would be easy
and painnleess

not i sir
nor i


(02/13/2005; 11:18pm) - Lighting it up

All last week was the Chinese New Year holiday.
For some people, that meant travel, for some, family.
But what it really meant, for everyone, was fireworks.

Saturday night at midnight (and Tuesday, too) were
absurd. Absolutely and completely preposterous.
There were shells bouncing off my windows, both on
the inside and the outside of the building. Every
single corner had someone launching something on it.

The city was louder than you would believe. No one in
the States could possibly imagine such a reckless and
dangerous display. I loved every second of it, for the
entire six days plus. I'm struggling for words, but that
could just be because I'm deaf now.
