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Update Blurbs
the world should never forget

(04/12/2005; 07:35pm) - Mum's the Word

Bobert's a bit miffed 'cause I haven't been blurbing on Tuesdays like I usually do, but it's still Tuesday so I'm safe. And the past couple of weeks, well, I take my client's attitude: If I ignore it, it will go away.


(04/10/2005; 10:54pm) - Woke up,

Kev, almost a year ago, left me an album
that's percolated slowly through the
conscious until,
it comes out lyrically in my own thoughts.

There are benefits to being trapped in a country
with no record shops.


(04/08/2005; 06:31pm) - Attendance is manditory

Unless you're Theo, who has made it clear that he hates me, you should be at the Lion's Den in NYC tomorrow night at 8:15 for the sweetest freaking show of your life.
Prepare to get your sins rocked so hard, you'll forget you committed them.
-fr. t

(04/07/2005; 07:42am) - life update

i'm off tommorow for the pope's funeral.
just felt i had to share that tid bit of info


(04/04/2005; 07:47pm) - My Victory complete

I wake knowing we won Monday,
and get started on the next battle,
a bunch of people to pacify
before i work my ass off all afternoon
to get more better
and a little more better.


(04/01/2005; 09:00pm) - el popa

my life feels like the pope...
What's the point?

(03/31/2005; 04:46am) - swesome to a point

and the best part about putting your foot in your mouth at 4am in the morning via im, is that when you really wake up (as i'm going back to bed now) the event doesnt even seem real


(03/28/2005; 10:27pm) - So much been going on

A Monday that ended bruised and hopeful
has left me,
and all the lessons learned
were painful.
Yet in lingering over you,
some part of them may be
transfered for free.


(03/25/2005; 09:46am) - Good Fucking Friday

Tonight's the night that Sin Destroyers will unleash their rapture of holy rock upon thee. Repent, so that your sins may be forgiven.
-Br. T

(03/25/2005; 09:18am) - Yeah, it's been a while...

Sorry melounge,

I've been lax in my blurbing responsibilities. And today isn't even my day. But there's good news in whoville. We here at melounge have been supporting and encouraging and loving Praveen for about 3 years. (Holy shit, has it been that long??) Today, he has a much deserved and soon-to-be much admired debut feature-length album. Check it out, buy it, love it. It's mandatory listening for today's lesson. Praveen - Backed by Spirits.

In further exhalted musical news, our resident Rock God, tyler, is ringing in Good Friday at Don Hill's. Go help in the fight against sin tonight at 8:30.

Here's a preview:
tyler - Sin Destroyers - Rock For God: Jesus Always Answers

And so you don't dare call him one dimensional, check this out too
tyler - Self Help d&b:

congratulations, praveen and tyler.
