Update Blurbs
the world should never forget
at the scene of a slaughter
(05/02/2003; 11:05pm) - at the scene of a slaughter
"..and just like that he burst outta da woods wit dis big axe. i ran an' hid cause though i'm brave like ma pappy mamma didna raise no fool. anyway this madman with a hair like mop and dis big axe points to this tiny blog with his finger and starts yelling stuff like 'you started SOOO WEELL. look at you now, this must end!'. that ol' blog was just a shiverin' and saying it could do better when WHACK. that man chopped right through it. it was gross, the li'l blog oozin' 0's and 1's like. and mophead man stood over it said something like 'i'll create a world of my not YOUR design' he yelled the your part reeaaalll loud. and thats when i peed myself. hold me?
No? how about if i change my pants first "
- eyewitness to the death of a blog
(transcribed by bobert))