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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
Opening paragraph

( 10/ 18/ 2; 02; 10) - Opening paragraph

She skips the line and walks into the club in her skin-tight black getup, her "catsuit" she calls it. It's a meat market; guys are fawning over her. Drinks are shoved into her hands. She pours them out. "What's your name, beautiful?" She turns away without answering. A guy grabs her elbow. "Get the fuck off me!" She makes a scene, only been at the club 15 minutes. We're uptown when I get the call: "Please get me out of here." We do a U-turn and speed back down the highway. I'm waiting for her outside when she exits. You can almost hear the guys' necks snapping. She walks purposefully up to me and we lock lips for a sweet eternity. She doesn't even notice the yellow Lamborghini I'm standing next to. Why would she care about that car?
"What a bunch of assholes..." she begins as we walk away.