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A Day In The Life
may you live in interesting times
-ancient chinese curse

(04/28/2003; 03:45am) - fairy tale as allegory

humpty dumpty sat on a wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
and all the klings horses and all the kings men
could not put humpty dumpty back together again
they all quietly left and turned off the light
and left humpty dumpty alone in the night
piece by piece humpty rebuilt his body
and afterward the source of his descent seemed murky and cloudy
he definitely remembered it ending with a thump
then he realized, panicked and trembling with anxiety he jumped

at some point he climbed back up


[more to come]

(04/18/2003; 02:36am) - my first cedar

last night (makes 2 nights ago) i went to my first cedar. i do not look good in a yamaka (or however ones spells it). for some reason the jewish people have not made one that accomadates dreadlocks.

i do not klnow why

(04/12/2003; 02:06am) - 5, 7, 5 the thorn in my side

i tried to post across the fora last night drunk off my ass. you know when a single person is the most poster to every forum section AND each post is relevant to the topic at hand (yes that was for you ethan). well it was going just fine until 5, 7, 5. my drunku skills failed me. so i crawled back to the couch and resumed drinking myself into oblivion

(03/15/2003; 03:23am) -

in my month long quest for old NES screenshots for my postcard piece this month, i have come across an old game named S.C.A.T.
i shit you not. but it is really wierd

(03/02/2003; 03:59pm) - adding to the "to do" list

gotta stop making this booty thing an annual sj spring break thing

(03/02/2003; 03:25am) -

god-damn-IT!!!! fucking freshman. sophmores are fair game but goddamn the freshmen. EVERYTHING is complicated tongue tastes like body lotion

(02/12/2003; 11:10pm) - just one of those days

i woke up around 10am this mornning, slightly before my alarm was to wake me. i turned over to look at the clock, thought about getting out of bed to go to school but instead rolled back over and went back to sleep.

and for a brief time all was good

(02/11/2003; 12:01am) - a step forward in some direction

a movie told me tonight that "a man without fear is a man without hope."

that said i will strive to fear nothing. fear implies emotion, and i want none of either

(02/10/2003; 01:26am) - a quiet sunday to end a quiet weekend

woke up and did laundry. then i tracked down the textbook for my c++ course and studied from it (test on thurs) instead of buying. i actually sandwiched the studying with reading comics. as in i did before it and after studying oop. i also tried to buy a calendar but staples was out of the monthlys, the kind i use to stay on top of my shit.

god my life is boring.

gotta find the nooky. or at least go back to heavy drinking.

(01/23/2003; 12:02am) - the trap of a nightowl in a soceity of day crazies

why do i only have the creative and mental power to take over the world after midnight.