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A Dizzy In The Lizzy

(04/24/2003; 05:26pm) - - = FOR FUTURE REFERENCE = -

You learn new things every day. Or, you do if you keep your eyes open.
This is what I have learned lately (writing these thoughts down are is much for my benefit as it is for your entertainment):

1) Love has ups and downs like any other endeavor. The key is to savor and remember the ups, and minimize the emotional impact of the downs. Try to learn from the down times but also try to forget them; they are not the important parts.
The down points serve to give you frame of reference by which you may appreciate the up times.

2) It's never as bad as you think it is in the moment. Avoid tunnel vision; the big picture is usually better than you think.

3) Life is tumultous. Some people thrive on chaos. Some thrive on stability. Figure out which one centers you and gravitate towards that. For me, emotional stability is very important. A graph of my emotions will ideally have a low altitude and a low frequency. It is important to understand that everyone's emotional cycle is different. The next time chaos and emotional turmoil is thrown into my face I am going to attempt to confront with it a zen-like attitude.

A friend recently told me that I am a rock in the midst of a roaring river, or something along those lines (thanks dude). I sorta like that idea; that image will hopefully guide me and help me through the next hullabaloo.

4) If you don't like something, change it. Tired of your scene? Find a new one. Tired of your company? Go somewhere else. Getting caught up in life's hecticness? Go for a walk, away from the frenzy. Go find a nice place where you can collect yourself.

This all sounds very lovey-dovey, let's-watch-Bob-Ross-paint-then-go-hug-trees.... So be it.
I guess I am multifaceted and this is one of my facets.
This may be the most personally useful blog entry I've ever written.
Here's to more of the same.

I think I'll leave the office now.