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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
By Royal Decree: this weekend shall kick ass.

(02/21/2003; 02:26pm) - By Royal Decree: this weekend shall kick ass.

Things are OK, aren't they?
They are OK.

The only problems are those that one recognizes as such.
Without the conscious application of the word "problem" to anything, there will be no problems.

It's good to be King, what with all the royal decrees.

"I declare this to be great!"
And bang, it's great.
Cuz I said so.

It's good to be King.

Stop watching the news.
Instead, watch your heart, watch your head, watch your body go through the motions of life.
This is the way it should be.
By Royal Decree, this is the way it shall be.

It's good to be King.