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A Dizzy In The Lizzy
Thanks MLK!

(01/20/2003; 06:36pm) - Thanks MLK!

Let me first say that I fully endorse Dr Martin Luther King Jrs idealogy about peace and changing the world
for the better. I think if we followed his teaching instead of friggin assasinating him, the world would be
much safer, wholesome and fun for all the boys and girls.

But I appreciate him for three other reasons:

1- Having today off allows me to party on Sunday night (as I usually do, but this time I got to wake up
whenever on Monday!)
2- Having Monday off makes the weekend feel super-extra long (too bad I worked a little on Saturday)
3- This work week will seem shorter too, which is much more relaxing. By the time I realize it, it'll be the
weekend again!

So thank MLK for making me happy.
Hot cocoa and Tom Wolfe's "The Kandy-Kolored, tangerine-stripe Streamline Baby" are keeping me company
today. It's nice to relax with a good book for a change, even if it is as intellectually useless as Tom Wolfe's
60s social commentary.... Last night was fun at the club, a bit of a hassle at first getting in but that was all
resolved and there was some pretty damn good music, esp. in the DnB room. Hadn't danced in a while...

B out, back to my easy chair