A Dizzy In The Lizzy
Should you tell her or should I? A One-Act to brighten your day!
(08/14/2002; 3:23pm) - Should you tell her or should I? A One-Act to brighten your day!
Scene: My cubicle
A 6-year-old little black girl wanders in. She's been hanging around the office for the past week. She's the daughter of a woman who works here.
LITTLE GIRL: (Touches my hair) My cousin has hair like yours and she put gel in it and it all fell out.
ME: Your cousin has hair like mine?
LITTLE GIRL: Yeah, she put gel in her hair and it all fell out and she went to school and all the boys laughed at her.
ME: I bet your cousin's hair isn't just like mine...
LITTLE GIRL: It's just like yours and it all fell out and now she's bald.
ME: Maybe she got it relaxed or dyed or the salon did something to it that made it fall out, but I bet she doesn't put gel in it because black people don't put gel in their hair usually...
LITTLE GIRL: Yes they do! You have gel in your hair and it's all going to fall out.
ME: No, my Dad's 65 and he still has all his hair so I think I'm okay. Wait, so I'm black?!
LITTLE GIRL: Yeah, I'm from New York and you're from New York and everybody from New York is a black African-American.
ME: (Fits of laughter) So I'm black because I'm from New York? That makes me black. (laughter)
LITTLE GIRL: Yeah, my mommy's from New York and she's a black African-American. And I'm from New York and I'm a black African-American.
ME: So I'm black too?
LITTLE GIRL: Yeah, everybody from New York is a black African-American.
ME: I live in New York but I was born in Connecticut.
LITTLE GIRL: (pauses) Then you're white.