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the world should never forget

(01/16/2003; 10:13pm) -

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we have such wonderful offerings for your entertainment and edification...

Praveen has created a masterful new bricolage, his
Crumpled Piece of Paper Set (also available in handy
(stream) format) is sure to
be the soundtrack to your significantly less filthy Life,
to your enlightened, Dizzy observations,
to your contemplations of genius!

this, by the way, is my new meLounge Crusade.

What is a meLounge Crusade, you ask? Simple. Pick something you're passionate about. Something that deserves our
attention. Any area, serious or light hearted, and go to town on it. Post the hell out of it, ram it down our throats,
sprinkle it on our breakfast cereal.

Get us talking.

- jason.