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A Day In The Life
may you live in interesting times
-ancient chinese curse

(; ) - .begin

Sunday/Monday Nov. 5th, 1:28am
The site is done. Well not really. But the setup is. I've secured the domain name ( and server space. The site goes live in less than 18 hours leaving me nothing to do but wait and write. I'm rather proud of this endeavor since the gestation period of the idea was all of a week. Once I came up with a solid idea it took all of 3 days for everything to come together.

Now I sit rat-a-tat tapping eating a bowl of cereal while I cruise the web. I'd go to bed but as always around this time, I'm struck by the brilliance of the night. By now the crappy people are in bed, the background noise of the day has left with the hustle and bustle of the streets, leaving only a feeling of peace and stillness that by nature often eludes me. When one's natural state is overdrive and concentration is required to create a coherent message out of the thousands of random thoughts going through my head; one learns to treasure these pockets of sanity.

And so I sit in one, and become tired. Part of it is the continuos hunger. Part of it is the realization that I will have to trade my peace of the night for another hectic day. While another part of it is the warm feeling of a job well done. But I think some more and realize it's mostly the future. I sit here wondering what the hell am I doing. I sit here wondering whether meLounge is destined to fail like Simple Simon Studios, or the other hair brained schemes I am certain to have in the future. But I realize that it's only costing me $3.95 a month, so what the fuck!

This now leads me to then contemplate the state of the rest of my life and begs the question, "What the hell am I doing with my life." Is this is it? Is this the way its gonna be for the next 80 years of my existence? Poor? Alone? Too lazy to make food? But then I remember what I said in the byline of this page, and I remember that even if the answer is yes, then that's still damn good.

I guess it's just the usual mixture of angst, happiness, and dissatisfaction that I'm sure grip most early twenty-somethings and late teens. But despite that understanding, it's slightly disconcerting nonetheless.